La tua nazione è 29
Cuvée Informations   
Dosage: 4 g/l
- 1st fermentation: Inox
- Malo: No
- Monocru: Étoges
- Harvest: 100% 2018
- Côte des Blancs - Étoges
- Extra Brut
- Pinot Noir 50% - Meunier 50%
Serving and food pairings
Served in a very wide flute at 10 degrees, this Rosé de Saignée will do wonders in a "pop up", relaxed, international and "bio-based" atmosphere where the cuisine is prepared live and welcomes all the flavors of the world .
We can also imagine a T-bone steak, snails with sauce Chaource, lacquered pork or spicy, orange duck, yakisoba noodles, a pigeon with black grapes ...
Game Meat Vegetables Cheeses
Visual analysis 
The surprising ruby color of this Cuvée is of an fantastic intensity. The foam is colored even during the service.
Effervescence then becomes discreet and creates a thin chain on the surface.
The visual presentation of this Rosé de Saignée is spectacular.
Olfactory analysis 
The first nose is intense.
We perceive first the black cherry but also the licorice, the quince jelly, the elderberry jam ...
After a few seconds of aeration, we notice a small smoky note, however it is above all the great balance of the expression that will draw our attention.
The wine is perfectly resistant to the oxygen.
This Cuvée delivers us a powerful aromatic character, with a unique style.
Taste analysis 
The initial impression on the palate is soft and vinous.
The body of the wine widely dominates the effervescence expression. We perceive the acid structure as well as a slight tannic structure, but both occur with elegance and in perfect harmony with the structure of the Cuvée.
The whole produces a luxurious velvety texture with aromas of pomegranate, blueberry, black currant ...
The final 
The long finish (8 seconds of persistence), complex, sour, gives us back the aromas already perceived during the olfactory analysis (black cherry and smoky character).

Carpe Diem
Rosé de Saignée
Millésime 2018


This Champagne is a great example of Rosé de Saignée.
A textbook wine.
Intense ruby color and armed with very intense black cherry aromas, it reveals a great tactile delicacy on the palate. Its power and nobility are of great refinement.
Millésime 2018 *NR
Cuvée Informations   
Dosage: 4 g/l
- 1st fermentation: Inox
- Malo: No
- Monocru: Étoges
- Harvest: 100% 2018
- Côte des Blancs - Étoges
- Extra Brut
- Pinot Noir 50% - Meunier 50%
Serving and food pairings
Served in a very wide flute at 10 degrees, this Rosé de Saignée will do wonders in a "pop up", relaxed, international and "bio-based" atmosphere where the cuisine is prepared live and welcomes all the flavors of the world .
We can also imagine a T-bone steak, snails with sauce Chaource, lacquered pork or spicy, orange duck, yakisoba noodles, a pigeon with black grapes ...
Game Meat Vegetables Cheeses
Visual analysis 
The surprising ruby color of this Cuvée is of an fantastic intensity. The foam is colored even during the service.
Effervescence then becomes discreet and creates a thin chain on the surface.
The visual presentation of this Rosé de Saignée is spectacular.
Olfactory analysis 
The first nose is intense.
We perceive first the black cherry but also the licorice, the quince jelly, the elderberry jam ...
After a few seconds of aeration, we notice a small smoky note, however it is above all the great balance of the expression that will draw our attention.
The wine is perfectly resistant to the oxygen.
This Cuvée delivers us a powerful aromatic character, with a unique style.
Taste analysis 
The initial impression on the palate is soft and vinous.
The body of the wine widely dominates the effervescence expression. We perceive the acid structure as well as a slight tannic structure, but both occur with elegance and in perfect harmony with the structure of the Cuvée.
The whole produces a luxurious velvety texture with aromas of pomegranate, blueberry, black currant ...
The final 
The long finish (8 seconds of persistence), complex, sour, gives us back the aromas already perceived during the olfactory analysis (black cherry and smoky character).
Discover the Vigneron Grongnet
As a fifth-generation winegrower, my childhood memories are filled with vineyards, where I roamed alongside my grandparents. After a brief interlude away from this heritage, returning to it felt natural. The most profound moment for me was witnessing the tears of pride in my grandfather's eyes as I declared my commitment to continue our RM winemaking tradition, which originated with his own grandfather. Now, embracing my father's legacy gives me profound joy, coupled with the freedom to cultivate and craft Champagnes according to my own vision and values.

Other Rosé Rosé de Saignée

Carpe Diem Rosé de Saignée Millésime 2018
€ 53,00
Rosé de Saignée Grand Cru Millésime 2018
€ 53,00
Carpe Diem Rosé de Saignée Millésime 2018
€ 109,00
Sanchez-Le Guédard
Rosé de Saignée - BIO - Millésime 2019
€ 53,00

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