The cycle of the vine, a trip in the vineyards of Champagne

Ready for a trip through the Champagne vineyards? Imagine walking through sun-gilded vineyards, breathing in the crisp air and listening to the rustling of the leaves.

With its unique terroir of chalky soils that reflect light and retain heat, Champagne offers ideal conditions for growing vines. Throughout the year, the vine undergoes fascinating and vital transformations to create its wine of excellence

Together we will discover the secrets of the vine, from early spring to summer, and the incredible work of the vine growers, made up of passion, precision and a touch of magic.

In nature, the vine is a vine that grows wild and anarchic. To produce quality grapes, it must be domesticated and go through various development phases that influence the harvest. The vine follows two distinct cycles:

  • Winter Cycle: The vegetative rest, from mid-November to March.
  • Vegetative cycle: March to mid-November, which also includes the reproductive cycle.

1. Early Spring: The Weepin

With the arrival of spring, the vine awakens from its winter rest. After pruning, wounds begin to drip sap as the soil warms up, a sign that the roots have become active again. This phenomenon, called ‘weeping’, is the first sign that the vine is ready for rebirth. Thus begins the new path that will lead to the grape harvest.

2. Late March - April: The Sprouting

Buds, called eyes, begin to sprout on the shoots. As the temperature and humidity rise, the buds swell and open, revealing new shoots. During this period, the winegrower works the soil to aerate and warm it, encouraging the growth of the deep roots that enhance the typical terroir of Champagne. Each step is crucial to ensure that the vines produce grapes of the highest quality, ready to be transformed into Champagne.

3. April: The Leaflet

Buds turn into new shoots and leaves begin to develop, essential for photosynthesis. This month also marks the beginning of the growth of branches, which will soon be full of life. Leaves play a vital role in the photosynthesis process, nourishing the vine and helping to develop the precious bunches of grapes.

4. April - May: The Grape Clusters

As the soil warms up, the inflorescences, future grapes, susceptible to spring frost, appear. The winegrower removes non-fruitful buds and sterile shoots, and takes care to protect the vine from pests. Thus begins the dance of nature, where every detail is taken care of to ensure the highest quality of the harvest.

5. June: The Blossom

The warmth and the sun cause the small white flowers with their delicate fragrance to bloom. Each cluster can have 100 to 200 flowers, and the flowering lasts eight to fifteen days, indicating to the winegrower the volume of the future harvest. It is said that about 100 days pass from mid-bloom to harvest. It is a magical period, where the vineyard is filled with life and promise of an extraordinary vintage.

6. July: The Fruit Setting

We get to July, the month in which the flowers turn into small green berries. This process, called setting, is crucial for the formation of the future bunch of grapes. Winegrowers continue to care for the vine, ensuring that each berry receives the right amount of light and nutrition. It is precision work, where every gesture counts to ensure the quality of the wine to come.

7. August - September: The Maturation and Harvests

During August and September, the grapes ripen, changing colour and developing complex and intense aromas. Controlling ripening is crucial in determining the perfect time for the harvest, which usually takes place in September. During this period, the vineyards come alive with the frenetic activity of harvesting, carried out by hand to preserve the integrity of the grapes, thus ensuring that each berry contributes to the aromatic bouquet, freshness and elegance that characterise Champagne.

The Triumph of Excellence

The cycle of the vine in Champagne is more than just an agricultural process; it is a celebration of the harmony between nature and human craftsmanship. Let's toast to the excellence and passion that drive this incredible journey. Each sip encapsulates tradition, innovation and a continuous quest for perfection. Each toast is a tribute to the talented winemakers who make this oenological miracle possible.

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